Data transformations

There might come a time where you will need to add new columns to your dataset. You can customize these assignments based on your specific needs and conditions. This allows you to add new columns for various purposes such as filtering or to make other data-wrangling tasks easier.

These examples are taken from openvolley snippits.

The setter of a given attack

Aim: Identify the player who made the set associated with each attack (noting that some files might not have the setting action coded for all attacks, or even coded at all).

Python - adding set player name

from datavolley import read_dv
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import Markdown
import numpy as np
dv_instance = read_dv.DataVolley(None) # Replace `None` with path of your dvw file 
df = dv_instance.get_plays()
df['set_player_name'] = np.where((df['skill'] == 'Attack') & (df['skill'].shift(1) == 'Set') & (df['team'] == df['team'].shift(1)), df['player_name'].shift(1), np.nan)
filtered_df = df[df['skill'] == 'Attack'][['team', 'player_name', 'skill', 'evaluation_code', 'set_player_name']].head(5)

Markdown(filtered_df.to_markdown(index = False))
team player_name skill evaluation_code set_player_name
University of Dayton Jamie Peterson Attack - Brooke Westbeld
University of Louisville Claire Chaussee Attack # Lexi Hamilton
University of Dayton Olivia Dubay Attack = Brooke Westbeld
University of Dayton Jamie Peterson Attack # Brooke Westbeld
University of Louisville Claire Chaussee Attack + Shannon Shields

R - adding set player name

x <- dv_read("datavolley//example_data.dvw") # Example data from python
px <- x$plays
px <- px %>% mutate(set_player_name = case_when(skill == "Attack" & lag(skill) == "Set" & team == lag(team) ~ lag(player_name)))
filtered_data <- px %>% select(team, player_name, skill, evaluation_code, set_player_name) %>% filter(skill == 'Attack') %>% head(5)
team player_name skill evaluation_code set_player_name
University of Dayton Jamie Peterson Attack - Brooke Westbeld
University of Louisville Claire Chaussee Attack # Lexi Hamilton
University of Dayton Olivia Dubay Attack = Brooke Westbeld
University of Dayton Jamie Peterson Attack # Brooke Westbeld
University of Louisville Claire Chaussee Attack + Shannon Shields

If you needed to add set code you can use the same code and replace player_name with set_code